
Drinking Excessive Water Causes...

Drinking Excessive Water Causes ...😱😱😱
Sumber Gambar : idntimes.com

During this time we are always recommended to drink water, instead we are sometimes told to have to drink more water.

According to some doctors, drinking water excessively is not good for our body. because we will get some negative things.

therefore, I tried to describe a few words about the dangers of drinking excessive water.

1. Nausea

if you feel nauseous because you drink too much water too much. because the stomach cannot receive all the water you consume and causes the stomach to drain some of the water you drink.

2. Tired Fast
Drinking too much causes gujal to work hard, so the energy used for the kidneys often makes us tired.

3. Always urinate

If you experience this, then you probably drink too much water. Continuous urination also causes our activities to be disrupted.

4. Running Muscle Cramps

Electrolytes are the most important thing for the body that makes muscles contract when doing sports. If you consume too much water, then the electrolyte levels in the body will decrease causing muscle cramps and even muscle spasms.

But, if you also lack fluids can cause your consciousness to decrease.

therefore it is equivalent to consuming water, meaning not too much and not too little.

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